Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Due-Date Peanut!

Here I am, having reached the 40-week mark and it couldn't be a more beautiful day!  I hope this great weather sticks around just a little longer so Peanut can enjoy it for himself! 

I am so thankful for my friend Laura and her adorable son Tate who are both always up for a walk.  Although today's walk was cut a little short because of time it was fun nonetheless.

I had my 40-week appointment with the midwives this afternoon.  Like all of my other appointments it was pretty uneventful, something I am always grateful for. It was different thought because I had a Fetal Stress Test (just to make sure he's still going strong in there, which he is :) and an internal exam.  I'll spare you the details because I know some sensitive eyes may be reading this, but let's just say that I am progressing slightly, but there is really no telling when this little guy will come.  I think the Evening Primrose Oil I take orally to soften my cervix and Raspberry Leaf tea to strengthen my uterus are working well.  Let's hope this holds true when the real labor game starts!

I have been more than pleased with my midwives and feel so comfortable with and confident in them.  In fact this morning while out at my favorite coffee shop, Spruce Street Confections with my friend Jess I ran into one of my midwives.  After she gave me a big hug we talked for awhile and she was so very encouraging.  This afternoon I saw another one of the midwives and she was equally as wonderful.  She listened to my concerns about going post term and not going into labor naturally.  She was encouraging and confident that everything will happen naturally as it should, most likely by next week.  I still truly cannot comprehend that our little guy is real and that we will be holding him soon.  Labor feels so far away...yet I am so excited for when it happens.  Bring it on!



  1. What an exciting time! So fun getting to tract your progress and relive it all again through you :) You'll do amazing! Can't wait to see pictures of his sweet little face :)

  2. Yay! Just saw this...I'm so blessed to be able to walk through this time with you - figuratively AND literally!!
