Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Major Changes Happening!

A wonderful Saturday morning with the ladies
Reporting here at 16 weeks.  Wow, 4months!  Its crazy how much of pregnancy seems to pass before you really "look" or are known by the world to be pregnant.

What is happening this week:  This past weekend Judd was on a mountain biking trip to Moab.  Coincidentally, a good friend of mine, Katiegrace was in town, so I had a wonderful weekend full of a lot of sweet girl time.

Come Sunday I was really starting to feel uncomfortable in my normal clothes (not pregnant-looking, just fat).  So, wonderful Katiegrace joined me on a trip to the mall where I bought my first maternity-appropriate clothes.  Rather than continue to try and hide this growing bump I am excited to embrace it.

Something else extremely exciting happened on Sunday!  I felt peanut move for the first time!  I was sitting at church, and during the Prayers of the People I felt a funny sensation on the left side of my abdomen, something very similar to a muscle twitch.  I sort of brushed this off because I didn't think I could actually be feeling peanut yet.  Most places I have read say that first time moms should feel their baby anywhere from 16-22 weeks.  Sunday being the first day of week 16 I thought, "no way, its too early."  After feeling a similar sensation multiple times throughout the day since, however, leads me to believe that I am in fact feeling peanut move!!  This has been such an amazing sensation as I truly am feeling like there is actually a baby growing inside of me.  Crazy.

As far as how I am feeling goes, overall I feel great!  Absolutely no more nausea or food aversions in my life!  I am back to eating normal and am even able to focus on making the best food choices possible.  I have had a number of prenatal headaches however.  These headaches are subtle and unlike others I have had pre-pregnancy.  They come on as a dull pain and just sort of stick around forever.  Other headaches in the past usually tend to increase until they are unbearable and only ibuprofen can save the day.  I can take Tylenol, but since it doesn't always seem to help, I have tried to avoid it when I can.  I have read on another pregnancy blog that a little caffeine can help, so I have been subtly self-medicating with a little coffee here and there :)  (even a java crunch chocolate bar seemed to help yesterday :)

The only real major change these days is the way I am sleeping.  I have always been a back-sleeper and typically sleep hard and straight through the entire night.  This has not happened in months.  Realizing I am going to have to fully make the transition to side-sleeping in a few weeks I have started to try and adjust.  Sleeping on my side sucks!  I am trying to figure out how to use pillows to help out and they only mildly do.  In addition to waking up anywhere from 2-5 times a night to pee (how in the world is there enough water in me to do this I wonder daily!?) but I am now waking up constantly because my back hurts or I am uncomfortable.  Oh well.  I am going to continue to try and adjust and figure out how to make this work.  I'll report if I figure anything out :)  Until then I am taking full-advantage of the fact that work is slow and I can sleep in a lot :)

For those of my friends that know I am pregnant, they are not afraid to tell me so.  (For the rest of the world, I imagine they think I have had too many beers lately).  I think the funniest response so far came last night from my friend William.  I joined him and a table full of friends for happy hour (don't worry, Italian soda for me :) and from across the table he blurts out, "I can see your baby!"  Umm...thanks William.  So you are saying I look a bit chubby :)  I imagine some ladies would be offended by these early comments, but I am excited that Peanut is finally making his/her debut appearance!  It has only just begun...


  1. Try one of those pregnancy body pillows! I had one....I called him "Noody" & he worked wonders lol hang in there :)

  2. Thanks for the tip! I may end up with one, although I worry it would take over the bed!
