What I have been feeling lately:
Emotional: (About babies) Example: I was just watching Dr. Phil and they brought a newborn baby out onto the stage. I immediately started to cry. When I see newborns (including those being born in the video's of our birth class!) I am intensely overcome with emotion. I know that this little boy is really with us now by how strong his movements are all day, but I still cannot fully comprehend that someday soon I will actually hold and look into his eyes. I am so excited.
Sleepless: Last night I tossed and turned and walked around the house from 1:30-3:30 AM due to what I believe were slightly more intense than normal Braxton Hicks. My stomach was so tight that it hurt and I felt hungry and like I was being punched in the stomach at the same time. It crossed my mind, "this can't be early labor...can it?!" A friend of mine went into labor a little under 5 weeks early, so I think mentally I am a little psyched-out as to the possibility that this little man could actually come much sooner than expected. As much as I want him to come before I have to be medically induced, I am hoping and praying that he hangs on just a few more weeks longer.
Hydrated: I drink tons of water, almost 100oz. a day. I figure, I am going to have to pee often anyway, I might as well do my body the favor of being extremely hydrated. A doctor told a pregnant friend of mine this: "if there is only one word of advice I can give a pregnant woman, its drink LOTS of water, it will help with everything." Done.
Adjusted and massaged: Two things I have indulged in this pregnancy: Seeing a chiropractor and getting a monthly prenatal massage. During the last few weeks my body has started to really feel the weight of these changes and I believe taking care of the discomforts as much as possible is serving me tremendously.
Educated: I cannot seem to read enough about labor and delivery, I love it. I find the entire experience extremely fascinating and am determined to do this naturally. I have read three books that were recommended by the midwives:

Although all three contain a wealth of valuable information, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth stands out above the rest. Ina May is the nations leading Midwife. The first 100 pages or so of this book contain inspiring, natural and beautiful birth stories. Before I started reading these stories I mostly had the typical Hollywood image of birth in my mind: Woman's water breaks as a complete surprise, she wails in blood-curling pain and is rushed to the hospital where everyone responds in a panic. She is immediately hooked up to numerous monitors and finally delivers, clearly in unimaginable pain. Its no wonder most women are terrified of birth. These stories have helped rewrite my understanding of what birth should and can be. I am not saying that I absolutely will not allow myself an epidural if it becomes necessary (truly, I do not know what I am getting into anyway), however, I do believe that my body was made for this and that it can deliver this baby boy naturally and beautifully. Honestly, I am more afraid of hospital interventions then I am of experiencing what my body can and will do on its own. I know this may sound crazy to some readers, so please excuse my short explanation, I would love to talk more in-depth if you are really interested. Only a few short weeks until I get to put my reading to the test!
Prepared: Car seat: check. Stroller: check. Crib: check. Reusable diapers: check. Adorable overalls for every stage of the first year: check. The nursery is nearly complete and I love it. I will post pictures asap!
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