Introducing Peanut's room!! I have had so much fun over the past few months, scouring Pinterest for ideas and breaking out the sewing machine. Judd's dad and grandpa were both pilots and so naturally Judd has always loved airplanes. Hence the theme: vintage airplanes.

There are many special things about this nursery such as:
- P-51 Mustang WWII fighter poster Judd bought on a trip with his grandpa and it always brings back great memories for Judd
- Aviator stuffed bear was Judd's when he was a baby
- Re-upholstered rocking chair was Judd's mom's grandma's original piece that Judd's mom had remade for us (thank you!). She rocked all of her babies in this chair and swears it is the perfect size :)
- Handmade newspaper airplanes in frame was a gift from my good friend Stephanie Whitehill
- Vintage globe, "R" (name will be revealed soon enough!) and red airplane are gifts from my sister-in-law Tamara and nieces, Hanna and Laurel from my CA shower
- Yellow bulb-like flowers were decorations at my friend Emily Stone's recent wedding
- Vintage airplane book was one of many super cool decorative books at our friends Justin and Ali's recent wedding
- Baby Tom's are a gift from my High School friend Stefanie (cannot wait to use these in maternity pictures!)
- Vintage images in some of the frames come from various old magazines and books that our dear friends Andrew and Danelle whom recently moved to Philadelphia have found and sent us
- And much of the hand-made stuff was made possible by many Pinterest tutorials (including the changing pad cover and bed skirt)
Love Love Love!! It looks amazing. Love all the framed art, the rocking chair, and how organized you are! Love the grey lamp on the changing table too.