Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I Passed My Glucose Test!

Today I took the infamous gestational diabetes glucose test and passed!  Phew!  This routine blood test is taken at 28 weeks to determine if the pregnant lady has gestational diabetes.  I was a little nervous about this test because I have been eating A LOT of sugar during this pregnancy.  I don't know what it is, but I need ice cream every night, at a minimum.  This morning's test was very simple and straight forward.  I went in at 9:30am for a routine check-up (which are now going to start happening every 2 weeks! because I am officially in the THIRD TRIMESTER!).  Right away I drank 8oz of this orange-colored drink that tasted like very sugary Gatorade.  Not great.  Exactly one hour later I had my blood drawn.  I typically hate needles and all things medical, but I am starting to realize that getting blood drawn truly does not hurt.  The doctors checked the sugar level of my blood after one hour, determining whether or not my body is having a hard time processing sugar.  Luckily my levels came in normal, because otherwise I would have found myself in a much more unpleasant 3-hour test in a few days. Now that I have passed this, I am going to go enjoy a bowl of ice cream :)

In other news, Judd and I just spent this last weekend up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a huge family reunion of the Nutting side.  It was awesome.  The only bummer was that Saturday everyone went white-water-rafting, something I chose to pass on.  Instead, however, I went on a beautiful hike with Judd's sister Nicole, their dad and Nicole's friend Landrie.

We had a blast throughout the entire weekend.  Judd has an awesome family and it was great to spend time with them.  Three of his cousins have kids (ranging 6 months - 4 years) so it was super fun to be around all of that energy.  I realized that this was the first major family function that I have been at that has involved little kids.  Most of the family gatherings that I am a part of do not involve little ones yet...not for long!

Although the trip up to Jackson Hole was awesome and absolutely gorgeous, driving 9 hours two times in four days was difficult.  In the last two weeks I have developed a consistent back-ache on my right upper back while sitting, and on the left side of my lower back while walking around.  While sitting in the car that long I could simply not get comfortable.  My midwife recommends chiropractic work, so I am going to see a referral who specializes in pregnancy.  I've always wanted to see a chiropractor, but have never thought of my pain as severe enough for the high cost.  I think this time it will be worth checking out.  If this back-ache hangs around it will be a long three months.  I will write how it goes! 
28 Weeks

1 comment:

  1. what an adorable baby bump :) looks like a fun trip!!
