It's been a year and I can't believe it. This time last year Judd's and my world as we knew it was about to be turned upside-down. We had no idea what we were doing, but we jumped in and forged-on anyway. In a lot of ways I feel like I still have a newborn. I am still trying to adjust to life as a parent. I still can't get out of the house on time. And I still hope everyone around me can grant me constant grace because everything in life is just a little more challenging these days! All of that being said though, nothing lights up my world more than that little giggle of Risden's. Or when he concentrates so hard to walk, and gives a big toothy-grin to show how proud he is. I love that he is my little buddy that I get to walk through this life and see things as if for the first time with. I love that he is old enough to now interact and play with us. I love how much fun Judd get's in crawling around the couch, being chased by, or chasing the little Bubber. He is the joy of our lives and we could not have asked for a better year.
A few snapshots from his super-fun Fox-Inspired First Birthday Party :)
(Photo Credit: Thank you to Laura Ramos at Fuse Photographic for the awesome photos, as always!)

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