Friday, July 26, 2013

Nine Months

My head is spinning as I write this.  Is it just me, or does a crawling child with so much energy just totally take everything out of you?  Today has been especially exhausting because Risden and I are both fighting head colds and between reaching for Kleenex and keeping him out of sink cabinets I'm spent.  Oh man, but is he as cute as ever?!  He has grown so much in the past 9 months, it's hard to believe he's the same little guy.  He has perfected crawling and can get across our condo in seconds.  Most recently he has also started to walk with his walker and can stand on his own for a split second.  He babbles all the time, preferring "dadadada" and a few other silly sounds.  He still loves studying things and can easily play with a tag for 20 minutes in the car.  His giggles are hilarious, and he laughs pretty much on command.  Tonight while Judd was giving him a bath he pooped in the bathtub and of course, thought it was hilarious.  Our little guy is so sweet and fun, I can't believe that a year is just around the corner.  Crazy!


1 comment:

  1. Ah he is so cute!!! Pooping in the bathtub, is hilarious. I would laugh too :)
