In other news, Judd and I just spent this last weekend up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a huge family reunion of the Nutting side. It was awesome. The only bummer was that Saturday everyone went white-water-rafting, something I chose to pass on. Instead, however, I went on a beautiful hike with Judd's sister Nicole, their dad and Nicole's friend Landrie.
We had a blast throughout the entire weekend. Judd has an awesome family and it was great to spend time with them. Three of his cousins have kids (ranging 6 months - 4 years) so it was super fun to be around all of that energy. I realized that this was the first major family function that I have been at that has involved little kids. Most of the family gatherings that I am a part of do not involve little ones yet...not for long!
Although the trip up to Jackson Hole was awesome and absolutely gorgeous, driving 9 hours two times in four days was difficult. In the last two weeks I have developed a consistent back-ache on my right upper back while sitting, and on the left side of my lower back while walking around. While sitting in the car that long I could simply not get comfortable. My midwife recommends chiropractic work, so I am going to see a referral who specializes in pregnancy. I've always wanted to see a chiropractor, but have never thought of my pain as severe enough for the high cost. I think this time it will be worth checking out. If this back-ache hangs around it will be a long three months. I will write how it goes!
28 Weeks |
what an adorable baby bump :) looks like a fun trip!!