Thursday, June 14, 2012

Embracing Maternity

It's been a little while, so another post it is!  I have been pretty confined to indoors the last few days because there is a huge fire burning an hour north of us in Fort Collins.  So far the fire is at 49,000 acres.  Boo!!  We had a pretty big fire in one of Boulder's Canyons a few summers ago and it was completely devastating - many people lost their homes.  It's sad to know this is going on again just up the highway.

Since I'm not outside, I have been enjoying continuing my workout routine in the air-conditioned aerobics room at my local YMCA.  One thing I am very thankful for having done was starting a workout routine that I enjoy before I got pregnant.  Had I not been doing something that was convenient and that I enjoyed, I probably would have been much more likely to slack during pregnancy.  I met a girl this past weekend at a friend's wedding who is pregnant with twins (!!).  Because she is considered high risk she was told by her doctor not to work out at all - pretty tough considering she is a personal trainer!  It hit me how fortunate I am to maintain a sense of normalcy by maintaining what my body can do while it changes in so many ways.  So far I have only noticed slight adjustments I have had to make in some of my classes - like no more crunches.

I was getting mixed reviews on how hard to work out my abs during pregnancy, but have come to trust the majority of doctors/ instructors and friends who have warned against too much ab strengthening.  After spending my entire life believing crunches are the road to a perfect summer-ready body, it is strange to intentionally stop them now.  I would rather not split or tear my abs though, so no more it is!

I am now 100% in maternity clothes.  I finally caved and ordered a pair of maternity jeans and shorts from Old Navy.  The thing I am quickly learning about maternity, is that you almost always have to shop online.  I love browsing the mall occasionally, so this is a bummer.  Plus, who knows if this stuff will fit when I don't even really know what size I will be when!  I also just ordered a maternity dress to wear in my mom's wedding coming up in August.  By then I will be 7+ months preggo, so maternity was a must.

Updates on the nursery!  We bought a crib!!  Here is the crib (not our nursery).  It has yet to be put together, but I am hoping we can get that done this weekend.  I also have started my list of DIY projects, including lots of sewing (curtains, a bed skirt, changing pad cover, pillows) and a few other crafty adventures.  I know, I'm ridiculous.  It's all this creative energy that is no longer being poured into grad-school projects - I need an outlet, and this is so much more fun!

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