What is changing with my body: I cannot deny that I feel pregnant now. My lower abdomen feels full and tight all of the time. Sometimes it feels tighter than others (like when I am working out, this causes me a small amount of concern, so I try to not push it). I remember my pregnant friend mentioning slight contractions during weight lifting class occasionally when she was as far along as I am a few months ago, so I'm guessing this is normal. It's really strange, I can literally feel this baby growing and moving upward. I still feel subtle flutters pretty often now, nothing too crazy, just a fun reminder that someone is here with me!
The most exciting thing right now is that I am planning our Gender Reveal Party in a little over a week!! I am so excited to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl and I can't think of a better reason than to celebrate with friends and family! I found this awesome idea for party decorations that I am using as inspiration:. I will definitely be posting post-party pictures with the results of course!

Another fun thing going on is that I have started gathering ideas for the nursery! Our progress so far includes painting the room a beautiful gray color that I found from a nursery I like posted on Pinterest. I have decided to go for yellow, gray and white whether we have a boy or a girl. I love these colors together and like that they are pretty gender neutral. Since we will be finding out the sex, I'll spruce up the room with a few girly or boyish touches down the road. This way if we are still living here when we have more kids, we won't have to totally redo the room.

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