Yesterday Judd and I got to see Peanut for the first time!! This optional ultrasound (why would I say no?!) was done at 11 weeks. Typically the midwives don't do an early ultrasound (which usually happens at 8 or so week), so I was later in having this one done. I am really excited that we waited because rather than seeing a blob as I expected, there was obviously a baby in there!! The technician said his/her hands were pretty much fully developed! They were moving around and he was so active, jumping constantly! It was crazy surreal. Judd said that for the rest of the day he kept thinking about Psalm 139: 13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." God is knitting little peanut together as I write this! Its so incredibly crazy how two cells join and everything comes out of that. It only makes sense that God has breathed life into this baby because its all too miraculous. Wow.
Up until this point I have really been having a hard time believing this is all real. Sure I have been pretty confident it has been (especially after hearing the heartbeat), but its so hard to believe something is going on when you haven't seen anything tangible. It definitely doesn't help the cause when we have been so careful to limit who we tell. This weekend marks to beginning of telling people (phew!!). Next weekend we are going to California for Easter and will tell my family. We told Judd's parents that next Saturday is a free for all and they can tell anyone and everyone and can feel free to post all-over facebook :)
Sooo excited for you! Motherhood is absolutely the most precious, amazing gift in the will just love it! What a wonderful new chapter you and your husband are about to embark on xoxox