This year has been the best Christmas of our lives for no reason other than getting to spend it with
this little guy! Turning two months on Christmas Eve, it's easy to say Risden was the life of the party while we celebrated with the Nutting's up in Winter Park. He wasn't much of a party animal, however, considering he sleeps anywhere from 14-17 hours a day. Too bad these hours are hardly ever in stretches longer than 2 hours. Needless to say, Judd and I have not seen a full night of sleep, in, well, two months. There has been an occasional 5 or 6 hour stretch and I am really hoping that this becomes more of the norm. But with such a cute face, how can you blame the little guy!?

Other than adjusting to fragmented sleep, Judd and I have been getting the hang of this new life. It really is true that everything changes when you have a child. I imagined it all would, but knowing this in your head and really experiencing it seem to be very different things. For starters, I feel like everything is much harder to do. Risden hates, no I mean HATES the car seat, so getting out of the house is a commitment. It doesn't matter if I am literally driving a mile to the grocery store, often times he is shaking in hysterics by the time I park. The good part of this, though, is that once I get him all cozy in the Baby K'Tan carrier, he is ready to snooze. Sometimes if he is asleep I will stay out, browsing stores much longer than I need to, just to feel independent again.
A recent accomplishment is that I made dinner for the first time since little man arrived! I'm not ready for anything complicated, but Judd and I can surely live off crock-pot dinners for awhile. Having a newborn in the winter is the best, soups and stews are really all anyone wants anyway.
Oh have a mentioned Risden started smiling around 6 weeks? I cannot believe how amazing it is when he smiles. I loooooove it. I understand why nursery rhymes were invented - babies truly do love them. I can almost always get a smile out of him when I sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." These are his favorites, maybe because they are the only two I remember.
Well Risden is sleeping and I need to take advantage of this time and get a few other things done. Until next time I get around to updating!