Monday, October 29, 2012

Risden's Birth Story

We are overjoyed to announce the arrival of Risden William Nutting at 6:14am on October 24th, weighing in at 6lbs, 11oz and 20.5" long!!  His birth was beautiful and something we want to never forget.  Below is our joint effort at recounting the series of events.  This is not the short version, so if you want to read, be prepared for a short novel.  We tried to not get too graphic, but be warned, it is a birth story :)

We went to bed on Monday night and Nicole told me she had been having some non-painful but regular contractions. I thought to myself “this is happening tonight.” I couldn’t sleep so I got up and watched TV and had a glass of wine. Nicole came out at midnight and said that a contraction woke her up and she thought it was happening so I needed to get some sleep! I popped 2 Tylenol PM and passed out.

Monday evening I noticed the Braxton Hicks (non-painful, practice contractions) I had been having inconsistently for the past few weeks were suddenly happening at steady 3-4 minute intervals.  I thought this could maybe be leading toward labor; however I was hesitant to get my hopes up.  I headed to bed with the goal of getting the best sleep possible, just in case.

At 7am Tuesday Nicole said she had had contractions all night and was able to sleep thru some of them. I decided to work from home when I could since we had a regularly scheduled appointment that afternoon with our midwife. At the appointment Nicole was really encouraged to find out she was 3cm dilated. Once we got home after about 3pm her discomfort picked up and the contractions became closer together. We tried to figure out when we should head to the hospital because Nicole knew she couldn’t sleep thru another night.

I woke up just after midnight, early Tuesday morning to a contraction I could actually feel.  I continued to have contractions spaced about 10 minutes apart for the rest of the night. These were definitely not BH and felt like really bad period cramps that would build and then taper off.  I tried really hard to get myself back to sleep in between them because I knew if this was labor, it was only the very beginning and I needed to be rested.  I slept on and off in 1-2 hour chunks until 9am.  At this point the contractions slowed down and I thought maybe it was all just a false alarm.  At 11am Judd and I went to the hospital for a routinely scheduled ultrasound to check fluid levels because I was 41 weeks at this point.  At my 2:10pm Midwife appointment, one of the midwives, Kala, told me that my fluid levels were on the lower end (meaning I needed to have him in the next day or two) but it was not an immediate emergency.  She then checked me and to everyone’s amazement I was dilated 3cm. She gave me a high-five and a hug and told me this was going to happen soon. 

Back at home my contractions started to pick up again. To pass the time Judd and I went on a slow walk around the neighborhood, ate dinner and watched an episode of Gossip Girl while lying over my yoga ball.  At 7pm I called Merrilynn, the midwife on call that night to give her an update. I told her I was having consistent contractions, about 1 minute long every 3-5 minutes, however I could handle them pretty well and felt completely fine in between them.  She suggested we head to the hospital where she could give me morphine so that I could sleep through the night and be rested to labor the next day.  I felt really silly as we calmly walked the halls up to L&D, carrying our bags and yoga ball because I didn’t think I looked like I was in labor.

Finally at 7pm or so we talked to our Midwife and decided to head to the hospital with the plan that Nicole would take some morphine to sleep ~5 hours that night. Then in the morning she would be rested and able to start labor. We got checked into our room and Nicole had some “medium” intensity contractions and I rubbed her back a lot.  Our midwife arrived and checked Nicole at 815pm. She looked up and said “change of plans, you’re 6-7cm.” We were excited to learn she had progressed so far in a relatively “easy” way. I was thinking that this could be quick and usually that the last few cm are hard but are the fastest, (or so I’ve read).

When Merrilynn announces I am 6-7cm dilated I am elated, especially because I really did not want a drugged night of sleep.  Judd texted my friend Laura who was planning to come give me additional support as well as take photos throughout.  Quickly after this the contractions pick up in intensity, but I still felt pretty great and normal between them.  I cope by leaning on my ball, pacing the room and leaning over the bed sitting on the ball, all the while Judd is right by my side, rubbing my back through each of the contractions.  Meanwhile the lights are turned down and Merrilynn drapes Christmas lights around the room and places a few LED candles throughout. 

Around 10 pm I still felt really in control and was unsure if I was really making progress.  Merrilynn assured me I had all the time in the world and to just keep at it.  The second she left the room I felt my water break.  Actually it felt like I involuntarily peed myself and I honestly wondered if I could have done that.   Laura fetched Merrilynn back and she told me things were probably really going to start picking up now. 

11:15pm arrived and Nicole had been laboring hard for 3 hours. The pain and intensity really picked up around 10pm which was around when her water broke. We paced around and I would cradle under her arms when she had a contraction. She would hang on me and breathe with loud moaning exhales! Other times she would sit on the ball and lean against the bed while I put pressure on her back with my thumbs. I was really expecting her to be really close to fully dilated but was told she had progressed to 8cm. “ok so maybe she was closer to 6 and gained 2 cm in 3 hours. Not bad. We’re almost there,” I thought to myself.

I tried to make low moaning exhales through each of the contractions because I had read that low noises were good and helped move the baby down. High pitched screams were never a good thing in labor. When I heard I was at an 8 I was slightly discouraged because I didn't seem to be progressing as fast as I had before. I also thought to myself that active labor is from 7-9, so I was in the midst of some of the hardest stuff.  Mentally I felt prepared to keep at it, but started hoping things would move quickly. I got back in the tub to hopefully help move things forward. Suddenly I felt nauseous and puked. It didn't really bother me because I knew this was a good sign. Judd's cousin who has had two natural childbirths told me a few weeks earlier that puking gives you a free centimeter (haha) so I saw it as a rite of passage.

Nicole kept trucking on like a rock star and I was there every contraction.  A few times I had to leave her right after she had recovered and head to the bathroom. By the time I could pee and wash my hands she was calling for me and I rushed out to barely hold her up when another one hit. I felt pretty helpless that I couldn’t take any direct pain away. I did try to do whatever I could to make her more comfortable. I knew that the hard contractions were a good sign that her body was working and advancing. I would try to tell her that she was strong and that she could do it and that so many women have done this before her. I told her that she was made for this.

Nicole asked us to talk to her about Risden and other things during the contractions. Laura and I would just ramble about all the fun ski trips and fun times we were going to have with him in the future. I tried to take her away to past epic powder days, Mexican beaches with margaritas, warm Italian coastlines, and other fun memories.

Around 2:30 am she was checked again and was up to 9cm. I was frustrated since I thought the last few cm were supposed to be the quickest. But Merrilynn reassured us that she was advancing and it just takes time.

Occasionally I would glance at the clock and felt more and more discouraged as the hours passed. Our nurse Laura, Merrilynn and my friend Laura kept telling me I was really close.  After hearing this over and over, yet watching the hours pass by I became more and more discouraged. After getting checked again at 3:45 and still being at a 9 after an hour of really intense labor I started to lose it.  Merrilynn suggested I start on a very low dosage of Pitocin to help move things forward and that I should get back in the tub.

The next hour or so was probably the hardest of the night. The pain for Nicole was really high and the contractions were close together. She was talking about some “pressure” which is a good sign. She was checked again at 3:45 or so and was still at 9cm. This was really disheartening since the last hour had been so intense. It was suggested that since she had been laboring all the previous night and all day her uterus was “tired”. The contractions might not quite be doing enough. So a little Pitocin was administered to help get to that last edge. Nicole got back into the tub and I would hold the shower sprayer over her lower back on full blast. She was miserable. I was so hoping that it was almost over.

I had liked the tub before, especially when Judd would spray hot water on my back. These “Pitocin” contractions did not seem harder; in fact I was surprised when I had seemingly long breaks between them. Laura was in there with us and she would hold my hand during contractions and give me Sour Patch Kids in between. I really needed Laura and Judd to distract me with their conversation during contractions.  I liked when they talked to me about all of the cute clothes Risden would get to wear, including the beanies I had recently knitted for him. After awhile I felt like I needed to relieve my bowels, but not in the “I actually have to push” way.  I had foolishly eaten beans for dinner and really did want to relieve myself so I wasn’t doing it while pushing (haha). No one really believed me and thought I was actually cueing that I wanted to push.  In reality I was terrified to push. I think that the reason I was stuck at a 9 for so long had something to do with this fear.  Mentally I had prepared myself for contractions. I knew they would be extremely painful period cramps, and I could wrap my head around that. Pushing however, involved pushing something very large through a very small opening and I didn’t really believe it would work.  I was afraid there would be complications and I would not be able to do it. 

So the “pressure” thing was important because that was indicating that it was time to push. Nicole seemed hesitant. An hour later at 4:45-ish she said that she “had to poop” which is actually a sign that you have to push. So we got her out of the tub and back to the bed. Merilynn checked again and said that one little spot of the cervix was still in the way but that she could push past it. It was really hard for Nicole since she didn’t have any reference on how to push. The nurse then checked the Pitocin and realized she hooked up the IV wrong and Nicole hadn’t been receiving any!!! So that was turned on correctly and the contractions continued.

Once I was out of the tub I figured everyone thought I should try pushing and since there was no way around it, I did. I got onto the bed and Merrlyn had me grab the squat bar that had been raised above the bed. She had me pull myself off the bed and bear down during the contraction.  I asked for coaching because I did not experience this “overwhelming sensation to push” that I had heard about. Since there was some cervix left I was terrified and really hesitant at first. The first few times I tried to push I thought it hurt really bad (probably because of the small amount of remaining cervix) and was pretty scared to continue.  I would alternate between breathing through contractions and trying to push. Eventually I gave into pushing and with some coaching got the hang of it. 

At 515 Nicole was fully dilated and the baby was coming down. The nurse and midwife were coaching her on how to push thru each contraction. Nicole quickly realized she liked pushing more than just breathing thru it. She could get about 3-4 pushed out per contraction. In between she was so exhausted they gave her some pure O2 which helped calm her breathing. I was standing next to the bed the whole time just encouraging and counting. Each push we would try to get her to get 10 seconds.  She was so determined it was amazing. Sometimes I would say “Ten!” and she would keep going for an extra few.

At first I thought I would push for like 3 seconds or so, but when my nurse Laura started counting to 10 I realized, “holy crap, I have to push much longer than I thought.”  A contraction would come on, I would take a normal, good breath, then take a really deep inhale and hold my breath while I pushed as hard as I could for 10 seconds.  Merrilynn applied pressure inside of me, directing where my effort should be.  Each second that I pushed I would go deeper and deeper into myself, finding an entire reserve of strength I had no idea I was capable of.  I quickly realized that pushing was so much better than contractions because as I pushed, I actually pushed the pain away, I could no longer feel the pain of the contraction.  Instead I felt like my body was helping me push out a huge constipated poop (sorry if this is TMI!).  I felt like I was doing half the work, but my body was doing the other half instinctively (like when your body takes over while you are puking, or helps you push out the aforementioned poop).  Once I realized that I recognized these sensations and that I did not need to be afraid of them, I fully embraced pushing.  With my eyes closed, during those 10 seconds of pushing I felt like my mind suddenly became extremely clear and I felt extremely strong.  I thought to myself, “yea! I’ve got this. I’m strong. I climb mountains, I’m competitive, I can totally do this.”  I would push for 10 seconds, take a deep breath, push again and do this 3-4 times per contraction.  After it was over I would fall back onto the bed, gasping for air while someone gave me oxygen.  I would catch my breath and fully relax, sometimes up to 4 minutes before I felt the next contraction come on.  I was really encouraged when Merrlyn would say things to me like “you are really good at pushing,” “you are really moving your baby down,” “he’s getting really close now.”

Pretty quickly they started wheeling in more carts with medical equipment on it and our midwife got in a big fabric throw-away gown. Sometimes there were 3 contractions back to back and Nicole would push like crazy in each one. Then a nice break she would get 5 minutes and just breathe and relax. After a bit I could start to see his head during the pushing! We kept encouraging Nicole and she kept pushing him down and out! It was crazy. The nurse got on the phone and called for the “baby’s” nurse. I knew we were close then. Once his head crowned I grabbed Nicole’s hand and placed her hand down on his head. She was so close. Nicole then said “alright, I’m going to do this!” She pushed 3 times and then on the 4th, bam, his entire giant cone head popped out. Before I knew it Merilynn pulled the rest of him out and onto Nicole’s chest he was placed. Then it was like the pit crew operating with the nurses cleaning him and sucking fluid out of his mouth while we were just in awe as he flopped around with eyes wide open. I glanced at the clock and it read 615am. I saw first light out the window and knew sunup was soon. Welcome to the world Risden.

After Judd had me touch his head I knew he was close.  I pushed with everything in me because I just wanted him OUT.  With my last push I felt an immense release of pressure as his entire body passed through me. Immediately he was placed on my chest and I got to see the most precious and perfect face I have ever seen in my life.  I kept gasping “oh my God, oh my God, you’re here!!”  I felt so much relief that it was over and I was in disbelief of what I had just done. 

And that is how Risden William came into this world.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yes I'm Still Waiting

 Yes, I'm still pregnant and at 5 days overdue starting to get a little frustrated.  This morning I woke up with a fire under me and went out on the most brisk 3-mile walk I have yet to undertake.  I figured that if I am feeling this uncomfortable I need to shake things up and get things moving along.  Needless to say, I am still pregnant, and probably pulled a muscle.  It seems people all around me are having their babies either on time or early.  After having so many symptoms that lead me to believe that labor is imminent and then nothing progresses, I have started to get discouraged.  I have trusted my body with every step of this process along the way, yet right now I am starting to doubt its ability to start labor naturally.  I also understand other mom's well wishes when they encourage me with stories about what worked for them...but after having tried all of these things and still being pregnant I can't help but start to wish I didn't know what worked for other people.  Whatever "works" for me will just happen to be what I did that day.  Part of me still knows that I should go into labor naturally at any time right now.  The other part of me however, feels that I truly will have to be induced and have at least another week before the midwives will really push me to do this.  I am thankful to be under the care of nurses that will not push my body too early, but really just wish it all would have happened by now.

Oh and please never say "oh, you're still pregnant?" to an overdue momma...she doesn't want to hear this. :-/

Feeling discouraged...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Due-Date Peanut!

Here I am, having reached the 40-week mark and it couldn't be a more beautiful day!  I hope this great weather sticks around just a little longer so Peanut can enjoy it for himself! 

I am so thankful for my friend Laura and her adorable son Tate who are both always up for a walk.  Although today's walk was cut a little short because of time it was fun nonetheless.

I had my 40-week appointment with the midwives this afternoon.  Like all of my other appointments it was pretty uneventful, something I am always grateful for. It was different thought because I had a Fetal Stress Test (just to make sure he's still going strong in there, which he is :) and an internal exam.  I'll spare you the details because I know some sensitive eyes may be reading this, but let's just say that I am progressing slightly, but there is really no telling when this little guy will come.  I think the Evening Primrose Oil I take orally to soften my cervix and Raspberry Leaf tea to strengthen my uterus are working well.  Let's hope this holds true when the real labor game starts!

I have been more than pleased with my midwives and feel so comfortable with and confident in them.  In fact this morning while out at my favorite coffee shop, Spruce Street Confections with my friend Jess I ran into one of my midwives.  After she gave me a big hug we talked for awhile and she was so very encouraging.  This afternoon I saw another one of the midwives and she was equally as wonderful.  She listened to my concerns about going post term and not going into labor naturally.  She was encouraging and confident that everything will happen naturally as it should, most likely by next week.  I still truly cannot comprehend that our little guy is real and that we will be holding him soon.  Labor feels so far away...yet I am so excited for when it happens.  Bring it on!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our Last Few Days..

Last night Judd and I enjoyed a spontaneous night out on the town thanks to my mom's generous offer to buy us a special dinner :)  She is one of the most thoughtful people I know and really appreciate all of the small things that she gives me just to make life a little more special.  To celebrate one of our last days as pre-parents, we went to the Kitchen Upstairs, a modern, classy restaurant I have been wanting to try since I moved to Boulder.  It was awesome.

During our conversation we started talking about things that I am going to miss and those that I won't about being pregnant.  In these last few days that I feel the most uncomfortable, I thought it important to record all of the good and the bad, because I don't want to just remember the bad.

Things I am looking forward to post-pregnancy:

1. Being able to put on my pants, socks and shoes without significant effort (especially my left leg/foot).
2. No more heartburn!!
3. No longer feeling a burning/ stretching sensation on my right upper side, just below my rib (apparently due to my liver being here and there just not being enough room).
4. Sleeping on my back/ sleeping through the night (well...this may not happen again for a long time).
5. Getting kicked in the ribs.
6. No more inner-thigh nerve pinching from his cute little head settling in.
7. Being able to resume my favorite workout classes.
8. Being able to enjoy a glass of red wine or one of my many favorite beers.
9. Shopping for normal clothes.
10. Bringing our little boy into a community that is already so excited for and in love with him.
11. Not wondering every day if today will be the day we meet him!
12. Spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with our new little boy.
13. Carrying Peanut on the outside rather than the inside.
14.  Getting to meet this little man I have fallen so deeply in love with over the last 10 months!

Things I will most definitely miss:

1. Having clear skin.
2. Feeling special and beautiful just because I am pregnant (I've always thought pregnant women were the cutest, so its been fun to have this identity for awhile).
3. Getting to park in the "Expectant Parent" spots (oh wait, they're for "Expectant and New Parents" - awesome).
4. Wearing tight shirts with no shame.
5. Losing minimal to no hair every time I shower.
6. Having no issues with my body/ weight because I know it is serving a bigger, more important purpose that trumps any of my personal issues.
7. Getting monthly prenatal massages and weekly chiropractic adjustments.
8. Feeling his little feet move around in the same place.
9. Eating extra dessert and knowing nobody can judge me.
10. Getting to sleep in.
11. Having an excuse to nest and craft constantly.
12. Getting Peanut all to myself, every day, all day as I feel him change, grow and move around inside of me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

To-Do Lists

38 Weeks, 5 days pregnant.  My life looks a bit ridiculous right now.  I spent so much time "nesting" for weeks leading up until this point, convinced (or more nervously prepared) that this little guy was going to come much sooner rather than later, that now I find myself sort of running out of things to do.  My "to-do" lists continue every day however.  I have been to the grocery store ever other day, making absolutely sure that we are up-to-date on every possible thing we could ever need.  I have vacuumed three times this week, and do laundry daily.  I've been to Target more times than I can count in the last month and even fit in a nice big trip to Costco.  I know that Peanut could easily hang out for another two weeks, however, I also know that he could come tonight.  And because he could possibly come tonight, I cannot shake this feeling of needing to constantly be ready, at any moment. :)  

I am typically super productive with my days, but as I have been running out of things to do, I have started to tap-into my creative side.  Recent projects include knitting this Turkey Hat for Thanksgiving, 

Breaking out the colored pencils for some artistic time,

 and finishing one last project in the room (coat hook & hung picture).

Looks like we're ready to go.  Now when are you coming?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Maternity Photos

I love these maternity photos, taken at 36 weeks by my friend Laura Ramos at Fuse Photographic.  Her and her husband Travis are an awesome team of photographers - check them out!