Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baby Bump Birthday

I would say I am long overdue for a post.  Last I wrote was the unveiling of the fantastic news to my family!  Over two weeks have past since then and lots has changed!  To start off, I am now in my SECOND trimester!!  This pregnancy thing is starting to feel a little more real :)

With the exit out of the First Trimester, I have also managed to leave behind morning sickness!  Not many things in pregnancy happen as they are "supposed to" but this one seems to have obliged.  It is so nice to be able to eat like a normal person again.  The other day I was going through past Cooking Light magazines and was tearing out every other recipe because everything looks so good!  I don't feel completely back to normal though because in place of the nausea has been a lot of heartburn and headaches.  In response I have upped my constant intake of water and pop the occasional berry-flavored Tums (these are delicious btw).

This last weekend was very eventful.  First off I spent two nights in a beautiful cabin outside of Nederland with 30 amazing women from my church, All Souls.  If I could pin down when I actually started to "show" I can literally pin it to about 7pm on Friday night.  Friday morning I dressed in a long yellow dress and definitely noticed how non-pregnant I looked.  By the end of the day however I was sporting a baby bump.  Many of the women noticed which was a bit strange (I kept thinking..."um, are you sure I haven't just over-eaten tonight?").  The funny thing though is that this new bump has not gone away.  Friday and Saturday I also experienced subtle cramping around my midsection, somewhat similar to something I experienced at 6 weeks.  Upon further research I have figured out that this is called Round Ligament Pains, experienced when ligaments are stretching to accommodate a growing mid-section.  Makes sense, peanut is growing!

This picture was taken Sunday when I got back from the trip.  I know it doesn't look like much but when I wear certain clothes there isn't much hiding.  I'm so thankful the weather has been so nice because I plan to wear skirts and dresses straight through the next 5 months at least.

Another fun thing that happened this last weekend was that I turned 28!  I'm pretty sure this year is going to be the best yet!  Sunday, my actual birthday, was pretty casual, not doing anything too crazy to celebrate.  Completely unexpected, Judd threw me a Surprise Birthday Party Tuesday night!  He invited a number of our friends over and together we chowed down on chocolate cake (that he made!), carrot cake and strawberry lemonade.  I am so thankful for such amazing friends and an even more incredible hubby.

Until next time with more updates!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Telling the Schechter Family (my mom's side)

The news is out!!  Finally!  And PHEW, its been a long few weeks of keeping this (mostly) secret.

We traveled to southern California this past weekend to celebrate Easter with my family.  When we found out I was pregnant we knew that this would be the perfect weekend to tell my family.  I am 13 weeks now, one week from the Second Trimester and at a great place to share the news.  A few weeks ago I was shopping used classic childrens books for a friend's baby shower and came across a Berenstain Bears book, "A Day with Grandma."  I bought the book and wrapped it with a picture of the UltraSound taken two weeks ago to give to my mom this past weekend.  The video below shows her (and the family's) priceless reaction.