Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hung-over without the fun of drinking

We spent this past weekend up in Estes Park celebrating with friends of ours, Pat & Joelle at their beautiful wedding.  I cannot be more excited for these two to get married.  A number of college friends came back into town for the weekend and we all had such a blast between the wedding festivities and sharing a few cabins up in the mountains.  I loooooove this group of friends more than anything and cannot believe how blessed I have been with community in Colorado.  I hope that this picture (that sadly does not even include everyone) can convey a little about how wonderful this group is.

I am about six weeks now and starting to experience the unpleasantness of "morning sickness."  It's not so bad yet, mostly just an upset stomach that comes and goes throughout the day.  Up until  now I thought this stomach stuff was mostly in my head, but as of today I think its a degree of the real thing.  I knew it started when this morning I felt hung-over, even though I definitely did not drink anything last night.  Speaking of drinking last night...trying to subtly avoid alcohol for two days surrounded by friends who definitely love beer as much as I do was something that may not have gone unnoticed.  Oh well...hopefully the next few weeks will fly by and we can spill the beans before too many people suspect.

This week Judd and I join his parents and sister Hope on a dive-trip near Cancun!!  Although I won't be diving, I am soooo excited for warm weather and a beach!!  This winter is dragging on and I am tired of it being dark, cold and snowy everywhere.  Thankfully we are telling Judd's parents and sister, because I do not think I could make up plausible excuses for passing up margaritas the entire time.  Will post beach pictures when we get back!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Peanut = Little Nutting!

Oh my goodness.....I have wanted to be able to say this for quite some time now...I'M PREGNANT!!!  Woo-hooo!!!  I have always known I wanted lots of kids but have always had milestones I wanted to cross first (like graduate school!) before truly letting myself catch "baby fever."  I graduated with my Masters in Architecture last May and almost immediately started to have baby on the mind.  After a few months of seriously figuring out if this is really what we want right now, Judd and I decided to start trying.

For some reason I was very skeptical that I would be able to get pregnant.  It just seemed too good to be true.  I was mostly worried that I would find out that, (like many women whose hearts I break for) infertility was going to be something I would struggle with.  HUGE sigh of relief when I found out I was pregnant less than a week ago.  I definitely did NOT think I was pregnant.  I was not showing any of the normal signs that women talk about - no sore boobs, not fatigued, not peeing a lot.  (Although I did up my water intake so that I would pee more and let myself think it was possibly because I was pregnant! ha).  I was so convinced that I was not pregnant so I waited until I was definitely late to take the test.  Sure enough, it was positive.

Now I get to finally indulge in ALL of the EXCITEMENT that I have been anticipating for months!!!  I love babies, I can't wait to be a mom and I just think pregnant women are the most beautiful things in the world.  I have always loved reading pregnancy blogs, so I always vowed that I would write one myself.  Judd and I have also set-up an email address for "peanut" (little Nutting :-) that we are going to occasionally write to until he/she is old enough to access it him/herself.

The fun thing about this blog is that I am going to keep it secret until the word is out, after we tell my family at Easter, 9 WEEKS AWAY!!!  I don't know how I am going to make it that long...